Anglican priest in Vancouver. My dog thinks I'm pretty ok. 🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦
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When Fear Ends and Rage Begins: Practical Steps

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When Fear Ends and Rage Begins: Practical Steps

As a Canadian, there is only so much I can do.

It’s one thing to be willing to defend my country against an imperialist dictator across the border to the south. But it’s quite another to feel this endless heartbreaking as the USA's democratic leaders capitulate to what is the most horrific blow to democracy in my lifetime.

Much of it is facilitated by a media who seem almost disinterested in the real subterfuge underway — but that's because monopolies who own the media are suppressing news.

It’s terrifying.

I’ll tell you something else terrifying.

A whopping 80% of Canadian print news organizations are owned by a single hedge fund from the United States of America.

When Fear Ends and Rage Begins: Practical Steps
(screenshot from this CBC story)

From the Vancouver Sun to New Brunswick’s Brunswick News, there isn’t a region in Canada where Postmedia doesn’t own some, or all, of the print media.

Know who owns Postmedia? Chatham Assets Management, out of New Jersey.*

Know what they’re known for, according to Fortune Magazine? “Their close ties to the Republican Party,” states Wikipedia.

Yeah. That’s right.

80% of the most powerful print media in Canada is owned by a single American investment company who has close ties to the Republican Party and who has been investigated by the USA SEC.

Do you think the Republican Party’s hedge-fund buddy has Canada’s best interests at heart?

I don’t.

Today, I’m asking you to cancel American subscriptions. Then cancel your American-owned Canadian subscriptions.

See if the paper you subscribe to is owned by Postmedia.

If it is, please cancel it immediately.

Instead, subscribe to any of the terrific independent papers and publications in Canada.

Globe & Mail might be owned by a billionaire, but at least it’s a Canadian billionaire. National Observer is an amazing paper not owned by a billionaire, and they’re heavily invested in climate reportage, too. Toronto Star fought off Postmedia’s investment.

Don't forget the CBC, of course, who have just announced a plan to hire 32 regional reporters, just to start, coast-to-coast, thanks to profits won in their battle against Google.

Speaking of regional — The Walrus, the Tyee, Press Progress, Rabble, the Narwhal, Indiginews, CultMtl, and so many others are all doing important, critical news.

You want media who shouts truth to power and isn’t beholden to industry and owners? Start there, but look for others. And hey, there are tax deductions for your subscriptions to legit Canadian media!

We’ve learned in the last week that your spending choices and your cultural choices matter.

There is a coup in the United States.

Germany’s democratic system of government was dismantled by the Nazi Party within 53 days.

53 days.

This is day 15. And technology moves faster now.

Canadians must lock down their privacy, start getting news from independent sources, and wake the fuck up about what’s happening in the United States.

And Americans need to start paying attention to Canadian news, because you sure as fuck have a problem with yours.

But I strongly encourage every North American to spend $5 on a one-year subscription to because they are doing the most courageous reporting I’ve ever seen right now, as they confront Elon Musk and the Shitler Youth. [I did not coin that phrase!]

 *You can thank Stephen Harper for Canada's refusal to stop a national monopoly on news in 2014, but Liberals have failed to resolve this threat to national security. It's time to wake the fuck up. Demand media monopolies end. Write and call your representatives.

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Vancouver, BC
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Vancouver, BC
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